Nutrienty Crop Care


Top-Rated & Best Quality


Micro Expert Arka Vegetable Special is a unique, safe and cost effective A Crop Specific Micronutrient formulation for vegetables crop. It is a research formulation of I.I.H.R. Bangalore. It comprises Zinc, Iron, Manganese, copper, boron & other important element. This product has been developed based on the soil analysis, crop analysis and physiological studies of vegetables grown in all the major agro-climatic zones of the country. Trials have also been conducted on many vegetables grown in large scale agro-climatic zones.


  • Early growth stages & Development of root, seed, and fruit.
  • An average improvement in yield of 20-30%
  • Increase Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potash uptake & shelf life of Vegetable
  • Induce Flowering & reduce predropping
  • Improvement of crop quality, Flowering, Fruiting, Crop reproduction
  • Providing resistance to fungal diseases and insect pests.
  • Fast absorption, high utilization rate and early effect
Foliar Application:
  • Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Capsicum -5 Gm/Ltr water
  • Chilies, Brinjal, Onion, Potato & winter Vegetable – 3 Gm/Ltr water
  • Beans, Lady’s Finger, Cowpea, Garden pea – 2 Gm/Ltr
  • Cucurbits(Cucumber, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Bottle Gourd, Ridge Gourd -1 Gm/Ltr

Soil Application:

2 to 3 kg/acre in split application during vegetative stage to development stage.