Nutrienty Crop Care

Research & Development

At Nutrienty, we empower farmers to cultivate more with confidence through our diverse range of low-cost, high-quality, eco-friendly products. Our innovative offerings are born from continuous improvement and substantial investment in our R&D department, proudly associated with Indian Institute Of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru-560 089 Karnataka. At Nutrienty, our R&D team is dedicated to discovering new solutions to current challenges, always prioritizing farmers’ needs and sustainability. We solve tomorrow’s problems by building solutions today.

Our Farmers

Our motto is catering farmer with right information and right products at right time. In order to bridge the gap between farmers and their queries, Nutrienty has developed innovative technologies such as Agri App application, farmer training programs on various crops, conducting field demonstrations, scientist farmer interface and participating in the krishi melas in various parts of the country and participating in international exhibitions to promote various technologies.

Training Programs

We provide scientific training programs and crop science meetings to our farming community to enhance the crop production and soil-plant health. Educating on crop protection and crop production in various crops.


We conduct field demonstrations at selected locations with enterprising farmers at free of cost on various crops, to show the significant improvement in growth and development with use of integrated nutrient management and integrated pest management technologies.

Scientist – Farmer Interaction

Our expert team lead by senior scientists always look to give solution to farmers’ problem and advising our farmers to produce more yields while protecting plant and soil’s health.

Krishi Melas

We participate in Krishi Melas at different places of odisha and pan India and exhibit the crop samples produced by Nutrienty

Addresses of the R&D facilities of Nutrienty:
ICAR – Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru-560 089 Karnataka